Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Go and grow Vegetarian..say goodbye to meat

My previous posts were all about losing weight and the one thing that majorly contribute there is to be a vegetarian.
Ayurveda along with Sharirik doshas like Vata,Pitta and Kapha also includes Maanasik doshas such as Satva, Raja anta Tama. Eating meat is highly Rajasik and Tamasik which disturbs body as well as mind makes man sick. Man is not carnivorous basically. Before going vegetarian just know something about meat.Meat is dead food especially by the time you pick them at shops.
Human digestive system: As I said before man is not carnivorous and his digestive system is not so strong as carnivorous to eat and digest meat. Meat makes the digestion very slow and hence the other systems in the body seem to be at rest during meat digestion in animals.But human beings are very different from animals. We can not just eat and sleep the whole day. So if one eats the meat it makes the digestion very slow in human and becomes more thamasik (dull, depressed)

How cruel is it?
Do just watch how the meat is taken out of an animal. I just happened to watch one of videos from slaughter house and I really couldn't watch half of it.If you wanna watch the Video here it is..

Just imagine the anxiety,fear,pain,stress and strain those dumb animals must have gone through in slaughter house.Lots and lots of biochemicals are released during this process in their body which later enters the human body through meat. This makes man more anxious, fearful, tensed and confused.Unwanted fat accumulates in the body and body systems are disturbed. One looses the inner feelings.
Considering all these just think before you go for meat next time.

Reasons to go Vegan:
According to Ayurveda and Yoga Vegetarian food is sathvik in nature.Sathvik meant for purity, healthy, blissful quality.

Man can even live without eating non-vegetarian.There are millions out there who are born vegetarians and live vegetarian forever.I am proud to be one among them. There is already a revolution for vegetarianism in the west.

Most of your favourite Hollywood celebrities have taken the pledge to be vegetarian like Pamela Anderson,Leonardo DiCaprio ,Tobey McGuire, Brad Pitt,Bryan Adams,Jerry Seinfeld, Martina Navratilova and the list goes on.

Vegetarians live healthier and longer than non-vegetarians. A research shows that Chinese people who eat the least
amount of fat and animal products have the lowest risk of cancer,obesity,heart attack, hypertension, diabetes and other chronic degenerative diseases.And a British study that tracked 6,000 vegetarians and 5,000 meat eaters for 12 years found that vegetarians were 40 percent less likely to die from cancer during that time and 20 percent less likely to die from other diseases

You will help to reduce greenhouse effect by reducing the wastes and air pollution that happens during processing of meat.
You can save money fruits and vegetables costs less comparative to chicken and fish
Even vegetarian dishes are tasty and there are substitutes for meat to be a vegan.

How to become vegetarian
To start with you can have vegetarian substitutes for meat. Nowadays you can find a lot of vegetarian items in supermarket.
some veggie version of your Non-veg meal
-Use lentils as substitute for ground beef/chicken in tacos and burritos
-Have soy patties instead of beef/chicken/fish as patties
-Use tofu instead of meat balls in spaghetti.Even you get Meatless meatballs,veggie broth for chicken broth and veggie dogs for hot dogs in market.This way you can enjoy the taste and also health.
-Buy a new vegetarian product every time you visit grocery store and try new vegetarian recipes out of it.You may not like it at first since you are not used to it. But the second and third time you start liking it.
-Surf the store for vegetarian food items and you will definitely find new things everyday there.
-You can not give up eating meat all at once for sure. Try eating vegan once week and increase the frequency slowly to reduce the meal with meat.
-Have some patience to make it slowly. You can not become a vegan overnight.
-Eat a wide variety of foods. Include legumes, fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. This is the best way to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients you need.
-Use organically grown eggs and dairy products if you include them in your diet. The cows and chickens are usually treated more humanely on organic farms, and you won't have to worry about unwanted residues in your food.
-Buy a vegetarian cookbook. Impress your non-vegetarian friends with how great veggie food can be.
-Visit vegetarian restaurants in your city. Support their effort.

-You may find people teasing you often for not eating meat. Dont ever be ashamed of your beliefs instead feel proud to be a vegan for making animals alive, happy. Explain the reason for your decision and let them understand.
-Many people consider fish as vegetarian. No its not.

-A balanced vegetarian diet should include:

Grains and cereals: Wholegrain bread, brown rice, wholewheat pasta,rice
Legumes, nuts and seeds: Soya beans. kidney beans, split peas, lentils, almonds, cashews, sesame seeds
Fruit and vegetables: As much as you want - think variety. Try new fruits and vegetables and include them in your diet every day
Dairy or soya products: Look out for fat free and reduced calorie options for milk, yogurts, cheeses.

So folks....decide at the moment and start to be vegetarian today!


Vaidya Aparna S. Pattewar said...

wooooooooooow g8 blog.
very nice info.........
thax for sharing this.

Dr Vani Jain said...

Hey..quite interesting blog :), and music is very pleasant.

Naina Sudarshan said...


Anonymous said...

how are you?

Definitely gonna recommend this post to a few friends

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