Monday, April 16, 2007

Yoga to lose weight

Yoga is flashing in western generation is a trend to practice Yoga in routine life. It is reaching every corner of the society which is originally a rich tradition from India.I would like to fill my blog with some knowledge about Yoga and loosing weight.Yoga even can be practiced by anyone to maintain the health.

Know if you are Obese:
Find out your BMI (Body Mass Index)
BMI more than 25 is Usually said to be overweight
and BMI 30 or more is considered as Obese.

People often think Yoga is just doing some Asanas(posture) But Yoga is a combination of Yama,Niyamas,Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation along with some cleansing techniques in general. One can definitely loose some weight with a proper Yoga,Ayurveda and Ayurvedic & yogic diet practices.

How to practice Yoga:
Follow a life style with non-violence, truthfullness, having ethical conducts,non-clinging,cleanliness,contentment,self study, divinity,non-stealing.

Surya Namaskar (Sun salutations):

Surya namaskar is a great exercise to start with in management of obesity. Surya namaskar is a set of 12 asanas each having a Mantra with the name of God Surya. One should perform 24 surya namaskars daily with a speed of 4 rounds/min with appropriate breathing techniques meant for each posture. One can start with 5 surya namaskars per day and increase the number slowly...
Benefits: This improves the circulation to the internal organs with sufficient amount of blood and Oxygen to all the organs, tones up all the muscles,improves the breathing and function of lungs.Mantras will have soothing effect on mind and soul.

Asanas: Asanas help to reduce the fat accumulated in different parts of the body particularly around abdomen, hips and other areas.Asanas build strength in muscles and improve the functioning of all the organs like heart, lungs,kidneys etc.
People with over weight will have vitiated Kapha dosha. Hence they should limit forward bends since they increase kapha. One can start with postures like
Virabhadrasana, Parsvakonasana,Parivritta Parsvakonasana, Hasta Padangushtasana, Parsvottanasana, Sarvangasana, Sirsasana, salabhasana,siddhasana, Dhanurasana, Navasana

Pranayama:Kapalabhati and Bhastrika are good Pranayamas for people suffering from obesity which increases the lung capacity, help buring fats and balances the physical and mental functions.

Meditation: Loosing weight is not only burning calories with exercise and diet. You should also have a strong will power to practice a regularity in doing so. Meditation is one such technique to gain a strong will power which maintains your descision to give up junk food stuffs, and to follow a regular healthy diet and to reach your goal.Meditation changes you from inside out towards a healthy life style.
Perform meditation at the end and you can feel the difference now. You feel relaxed yourself from stress.

Yoga should be learned under the guidance of a good Yoga teacher.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Spring and Allergy the beautiful time of the year to enjoy a good weather as well as the colorful flowers all around. But there is a community of people who cringe when they hear about spring and those beautiful flowers...yes they are nothing but those suffering from Allergy. Many people run to their doctors office often during this time of the year.Its medically called Allergic rhinitis which is often seasonal.
Causes of Allergy during spring
- Flowers blossom everywhere and the air is filled with the pollen.
- Temparature rises gradually in the atmosphere.
-Toxins accumulated inside the body melts up and blocks the channels of the body to interfere in delivery of essential nutrients to the system. This results in weakening of immune system of the body. The body toxins(ama) accumulates in the free spaces called sinuses resulting in infection of the sinuses and respiratory tracts.
Signs and symptoms of allergy
Nose:Sneezing,Stuffiness,Congestion,Runny nose
Lungs:wheezing,cough,shortness of breath
Eyes:Itchiness or burning,Swelling or puffiness,Redness,Watering,Dark under eyes
Prevention and remedies of Allergy
-Use spices like Turmeric,fennel seeds,ginger,choriander and blackpepper in your diet.You can also blend these spices into powder and use it daily.
-Hot milk with a pinch of turmeric and ginger poweder relieves the symptoms.
-Keep your windows closed as much as possible during pollen season
-Don’t dry your bedding outdoors,since pollen clings to fabric
-Stay in an air-conditioned home and workplace. This greatly reduces pollen exposure
-Keep the house clean with out molds ans dust mites.
-Wash ur bedsheets and pillow often. You can also use a Allergy relief pillow covers which you can get in any general stores.
-Limit outdoor exposure when there is highest pollen count,typically between 5:00 am and 10:00 am
-One can practice Sarvangasana or any other inverted pose which clears the nasal blockage
-Practicing Nadishodhana pranayama (alternate nostril breating) is effective here.